11/06/05 (11:11)  Soul reading for Julia Fairchild by Trish Regan.

We now imagine a sphere of white light surrounding us, the light of God, Goddess, all that is, light of protection, through which only the highest energies may enter during this session.

We invite to be with us during this session both Julia and my spiritual guides, the Ascended Masters, the Angels, the Archangels, the Dolphins, the Whales, and any Being of Light from higher dimensions who resonate only with the higthest energy of unconditional love, who may be appropriate to be with us.

We are so grateful for the presence of these beautiful beings of light to guide us.  WE ask that any information, messages, healing energies, light or sound transmissions come through very clearly and purely.  We ask that this energy come through for Julia’s highest good, and for the highest good of all, and I ask to be a clear channel for this information to come through.

And we declare that when this reading is finished, both Julia and my auras are clear and that we are energized.

Now we ask that Julia’s soul make a deep heart connection with both of us now.  Now this connection is made, and now is the time for Julia to ask any questions that may be pressing.

I feel like I’ve been called to Hawaii, and I’m here now, and my question is what’s next.

Also, I have been very resistant to the idea of relationship, and I still don’t feel safe about exposing myself to the [dating] world in order to attract a relationship.

I’m making no preparations for anything beyond the moment financially….I feel comfortable with that……is there any reason I should not be – is there more I need to do to prepare for my well-being in this dimension?

Silence while Trish receives the vision.

Okay…..the vision I received was more like a movie…and I first saw you, you had a flag in your right hand, waving it above your head, like a flag of celebration, or purpose, running up Mauna Kea.  As you get higher and higher, you have a cloak on…..a royal robe…but as you get higher and higher up the mountain, the cloak gets heavier and heavier, until about half way up…..

Then I see the top of the volcano starts erupting, not lava, but energy which pours down the mountain; when that happens, it picks you up and brings you up to the top of the volcano, so the energy starts spiraling, and you BECOME the energy, coming out of the volcano

After you spiral for a while, and you become this radiant being, then your energy becomes this light which begins to pour out of the volcano, and go all over the island, then out into the sea, then pouring all over the world….Then the light seeps into the earth, from all directions, and comes up through the vortex which is Mauna Kea, then coming out again, …so that you become like a torus…..[sounds tantric]……

Now I will ask what being of light would be appropriate to come and speak to you about this.  I’ll step aside and let you know who shows up.

Long pause

This is the first time I’ve channeled this being…he is an ancient Hawaiian Spirit..his name is Kuluhu, or Kuluu…..I have no idea who it is,…he looks like a warrior, he’s very big, very powerful, and he has his arms crossed, and is standing calm and firm…very masculine, spiritual warrior.

I will step aside…….

I bring greetings to you great sister of light.  I am happy to be here and to speak to you in words that you can understand through this channel.  You have many connections to the islands of Hawaii.  You have had past lives in which you were royalty….deemed the Alii, so to speak, on certain islands at different times.  This means that you have a capacity to walk on the planet as what the Hawaiians would deem as nupoli, as divinity, as a god of some sort.  This energy, this power, has drawn you back to this place.  It is not so much that you heed to live here forever, but it is time you now to receive from the islands BACK the energy that you so graciously gave, and were gracious to give to the Hawaiian people in times past.  It was important for your soul, for you to come here to receive the energies that are here for you.

You asked within your heart, what is my next step, and what am I to do, and why have I been drawn here?  And I will attempt to make it very clear for you so that you can receive the benefits, and also so that you can give the benefits that you are capable of bringing to the Earth herself.

Your work here upon the planet is not so much what you do in the physical, but it is what you give with energetics, with your heart, and with your love and with your intention.  And that is the powerful access that you are able to move into and to receive from higher realms, and from beings of light from other dimensions.  In the past you were able to be a channel of light in this way, even though you sometimes had to wield the sword of truth, so to speak, and that you had to create kapu in which others would be killed if they went against the kapu.  Your desire was for the good of your people and the good of all, and so it is time for you to come to forgiveness for this aspect.  And we will talk about this a bit later.

What I wish to do is to explain to you the purpose of the vision that has come forth here.  If you see in the vision that you are carrying a flag, and who carries the flag, but in battle, they are those warriors who seek not only to have power, but also to bring truth, for every warrior has had within his heart that their mission is for the highest good, whether it be that were to take over other aspects of planetary citizenship, or to move into battle on religious bounds or reasons; whatever it is, the soldier has felt that it was the right thing.  Yes, of course, there have been evil wars, and yet, if you were to look into the hearts of these warriors, you would find that that was what they felt was their inner guidance at the time, and that is why there has been so much destruction upon the planet.  Those who chose to over-run, to overtake, to rape and pillage and burn actually understood that that was their mission…it was for their power, and that was the way that they chose to deliver their power to the planet.

Now, I wish to say a bit to you about the old matrix.  This is a word that has been called recently by many new age persons, those who are following the path of truth and metaphysical science, and it simply means that it is a word that describes what you would describe the collective consciousness of mankind.  Mankind has lived under the spell of the old matrix, and that is false belief systems, negative beliefs, limiting beliefs, that were created eons ago by the free will of man.  It was if when man first set foot upon the planet, man knew that it had free will, and so it entertained thought forms such as, “what if there were not enough for all upon the planet?”  what if I could get what I wanted through force and power?”  “what if I could rule over others and have what I want…what if that is the way I protect MY family…and so on and so on… and so the energies of greed, anger, jealously, destruction, hatred, all of those things were created more and more and began to feed upon themselves….and so, through the creation of these thought forms, there created then, a reality under which mankind has been a prisoner for eons.  That is why there is so much distortion of the real truth, that all is one with divinity, and that the energy of light is that which is unbounded; which is unlimited, and which all of you light workers are seeking to expand into.

And so, I am speaking to you of this because it is important for you to understand that it is time for self-forgiveness,  Through your lifetimes in which, as royalty, you sometimes created laws and rules which now to your sensitivities would seem very destructive, very powerful in a negative way, and deem to be a way in which you would not be bringing through light, but darkness.

And so, you, and all of the beings upon the planet, except for very few masters, have lived under the spell of the old matrix.  It is as if you could imagine that humankind has been living in a thick, watery, muddy ocean of heavy energy.  In order extricate yourself form this heaviness, it is necessary for you to allow the light of your soul to bring you out of the old and into the light of all possibility.  The old matrix is that energy of contraction, moving in upon itself, eating upon itself, feeding upon your feelings of unworthiness, unforgiveness, judgment of self, judgment of others, and all of the negativity that have plagued not only you but all of the human beings, lightworkers as well.

And so, the true spirit of your true soul is that of a very high vibrational frequency.  You have the capacity of channeling through your body very high frequencies of light, and you have given permission to do this work, before you set foot upon the planet, before you incarnated as an infant;  You have given permission in order for this to be so, and this is true for thousands and millions of lightworkers.

And so, already, even when you first became present in human form, you became a channel of light; even though you needed to forget it for many, many, many years.  And so beings of light from higher dimensions have used your body 
To channel through your body into the earth high frequencies that are assisting in the earth’s transformation.  So your body has been used in this way, and you have already given permission for this.

So there are many lightworkers asking, “what is my purpose upon the planet?” and they are already are expressing their purpose as acupressure needles, so to speak; so that is a great part of your work.

This is a long explanation of the vision that has come forth, but that is why you are being seen forging ahead with a the flag of truth, moving up the mountain, moving very fast, but as you go higher and higher, your cloak becomes heavier and heavier; the cloak is filled with remorse, self-judgment and guilt.  That is what you need to let go of in order to move forward.

You ask about relationship; you ask about your next step; all of this has to do with this guilt, shame and blame of yourself.  So, there is no mistaking that you have come here today to be able to move out of the bonds of this energy, and enable you then to reach the top of the mountain that you are seeking so desperately with your heart.  For you already know that you see and know the vision of your power; just that you have not been able to get there yet.  That is why you have come to this island.

It is to reacquaint yourself with the energy; the royalty that lies within you, and to bring that energy to the top of the mountain in consciousness, and in doing so, you will be able to heal, to complete, on a high spiritual level, the karma of those who have gone in the past, who have perhaps unwittingly created negativity and fed the old matrix with their laws, rules, beliefs and personal experience.

“So, you can do this largely, not only for yourself, but also for the Hawaiian people.  And even now in your heart, you say, but “little old me” how can I do this?”  I am here to tell you that this part of the reason you have come here, and you will be giving the gift to the people that are dear to you in your heart, to our ancestors, and I will assist you in this.  And so, as you see then, moving back into the vision, the energy of Mauna Kea, even though it is dormant at this time, the energy that is held within the earth, when you call forth this energy with consciousness, and you ask and give permission for the healing that is awaiting, the energy will come forth and draw you into a spiral of light on top of the mountain, and this spiral of light will allow you to let go of the heavy cloak of self judgment; and this spiral of light will allow you to forgive yourself for anything in the past where you have blamed yourself, or judged yourself harshly for.  In that spiral of energy, your soul will come  into its knowingness within your body.  I will give you the sound of your soul at that time, and then, utilizing the sound of your soul, you will become an energy of light that emanates from the mountain top.  This is the power point upon the planet, the vortex energies in which the earth communes with God, and you will be able to take the energy of the earth, with your essence, spread it out over the islands energetically, allow it to enter into the oceans of the world, and to spread to all lands, and then the energy will seep into the earth, and  bringing with it the karmic past energies that have been laying within the bones of the sacred ancestors.

You will then bring this energy back up through the vortex, cleansing and clearing and then renewing itself at the top of the mountain, and once again moving forward, and this will be a continuous energy field if you allow it, moving through your field of energy.  When you pay attention and bring your consciousness to this, you will find that it can be a constant energy flow.

When you are conscious of your soul’s energy within your body, you will not take upon yourself this karma; it will flow through you, be changed within the vortex, transmuted, healed, brought into light, and then traveling back into the earth, cleansing and clearing constantly.

So you can understand then that there is no little task here for you.  You might ask, “what about the physical work; what am I to do in the physical realm?  And you already know there are many talents you have; many thing you can do with our actions, that can serve;  however,  do not lose sight of the grand work the grand purpose for your being here.  The ancestors are grateful to your for making your presence upon the planet, for making your presence putting your feet upon the land here.  They honor and bless you for this work.

So we will move forward in the experience today, and I will call upon another one of your guides to take over at this point, in order to work upon your body energy field, to clear your body, to balance and to b ring forward other energies that will assist you in letting go of this heavy cloak, and then it will be shown, when we come to the time, which energy and entity will give you the sound of your soul.

I will say to you now, farewell with many blessings of love, ALOHA…..
We ask for the appropriate being to come forth now to work with Julia.

The Divine Mother, Mother Mary is here to speak to you, and I will step aside.

I bring your greetings of great admiration, great honoring and great love, to you, my sister.  I have been your guide for eons, and I am with you now and I am very happy to be here in your presence through the channel who is sitting here.

I am here to bring you blessings of love, to prepare your body, to receive the sound of your soul, and to bring you wisdom that will assist you in your further exploration and blossoming of your soul in this sacred space of Hawaii.

I wish first to begin to work upon the body, if I have your permission….

I will place my hands upon your shoulder, and, if you will just breath gently.

[working on body]

There is a blockage in the right side of your body, and I wish to work upon this before I can continue. [Work with sound]

Now, I will clear your auric field

Now I will open your crown chakra to a wider degree than it has been before (with sound)

Now I will examine and scan your body for any blockages that are occurring in the energetics of the body, the cellular structures, and the energy within the cells.

First, what I see is there are three walls around the heart; these walls have been created through lifetimes of abandonment and abuse; this is normal and natural for human beings.  There is no judgment upon this; this was your way of protecting your heart.  This is one reason why it has been difficult for you to open to relationship, and also to the love of your Self, so I will work upon these walls.  I will send into your heart a stream of pure Christ consciousness, unconditional love.  As you feel this love entering your heart, you will see it as a flame of love; allow it to fill the heart completely.  When your heart is full then, you will see this love moving form the heart to the walls that surround the heart.  This will be the beginning of this melting of the walls; it will take a few months for this to complete; yet, if it is your will, that this happen, and you give permission, then I will open the door for you so that these wall will begin to melt away.  Do I have your permission?

You may tell your heart now that it is time and that it is safe now.  You are so protected and so guided with many beautiful beings of light.  They are here now, telling you, and supporting you; it is time to open your heart, to allow the energy of your beautiful, incredible soul to be able to radiate more fully, not only that you can receive more love, but that you can give more love, and it will be a pure love exchange.

Just feel the energy, opening, opening, feel the love light flowing from your heart in all directions now.  Melting the walls that encircle your heart.  ALLOW, there is nothing for you to do but allow.

Allow this love to fill every cell of your body, letting go of any holding, any contraction, seeing the cells expanding with this light…..

I will do some work with crystals to begin to clear the unworthiness, and I will do this in silence.

(During this work, the whole time, I felt the energy in the back of my head and neck, especially…..)

Now I will utilize sound to clear what has come forth within your cellular structures regarding this unworthiness and unforgiveness.  I will do so with sound.

Now I will pour through your crown chakra an exquisite grace of transformation.  You can envision this energy as a golden peach-colored light; allow it to flow into your body, your heart, into every cell, and the spaces between your cells.  Allow it to fill your bones.  This is also done with sound.

We will pause while you integrate that energy.

Now it is time for me to give you the sound of your soul.  I will utilize the vision that has come forth in this reading;  this will be a little exercise for you to do each morning before you step foot out of your bed;  it will assist you in energizing your soul sound within your body; as your soul merges with the physicality of your self., you will be able to more clearly connect with your guidance; you will have much better way for you to walk upon the planet, and your body will respond, and yu will begin then to come to the place in which you accept yourself. Fully.  When you do so, you will find that your weight will begin to simply move into a place in which you desire it to be, and you will be able to have an energy within the body that pulsates with the light of who you truly are.  During this little exercise, I will ask that when we come to the point at which you reach the top of the mountain, I will ask that you forgive yourself, for all that you have judged upon yourself.  And in doing so, you will be able to allow the heavy cloak to simply fall away, and then you will come into the essence of your soul.

When I give your soul sound, if you will command your body to remember the sound, to feel the vibration within the cells of your body, invite the sound of your soul into your physicality, your heart, your mental body, your emotional body, your etheric body, and into your ego.  

Hear this sound as a vibration that you feel, that you can hear with your inner ear.  Then, when you receive your tape, you can listen to the sound over and over, until you can simply command your body to resonate within your soul and you will hear the sound in your inner ear, and you will feel the vibration physically.  When  this is done, you will be able to merge spirit with matter in a way that you have not been able to do before.  This will bring you into your spiritual power.  This is a process that is beginning today, and it will take some months, perhaps four to six months for a full integration.  You can utilize the energy of your soul sound as you begin to merge with the sound.  Once you are used to being able to feel the energy within your physicality, and when you can radiate the light from your heart, that is from the star of light of your soul, within the heart, then when you get comfortable with this, you can put intention in this radiation, and you can utilize the energy of your soul as a magnet to magnetize to your that which you desire, regarding work, relationship, or anything else that you wish to manifest.  So, listen to the sound, the vibration, and when you heard the sound, be very aware of what it feels like physically.

Further on, as you learn to create the sound in our soul, your mind, and your body, you will no longer need to listen to the tape.  The exercise will assist you in getting clear about your purpose, and in allowing as the energy flows from the top of the mountain into the earth and back, you can put the intention that you are clearing and cleansing as well, as you are clearing and cleansing the years of karma, ancestors’ karma.

Here is your exercise.

Take a deep breath, relax, let go of any emotional 

Envision now, that you are running up the mountain of Mauna Kea, and in your right hand is the flag, and as you run up the mountain, there is a cloak around your neck, flowing cloak behind you, and as you try to reach the middle of the mountain, the cloak becomes very, very heavy, and you cannot move any more.  And so, now, we will look to the top of the mountain,  and see the beautiful energy of light flowing from the top of the mountain, and flowing down the mountain as if a fog…

This energy now reaches you, energy from inside the earth, the energy of light, high frequency from the earth begins to bring you now, to carry you up to the top of the mountain.  When you reach the top of the mountain, the energy beings to spiral and spiral and turn you around in circles, spiraling and spiraling.

As the energy spirals around you, and turns you, I will give you the sound of your soul.  When yu hear this sound, bring it into your heart, your mind, your emotions, your energy field and your ego,   See a star of light within the center of your heart beginning to shine brighter and brighter as you spin, you will see this light  of your soul filling your body, healing the sound of the soul, and then allowing hour light to shine in all directions, spinning and spinning, radiating out..

Feeling the vibration in your body, spinning, expanding, growing brighter and brighter, allowing the light to fill your body, every cell, spinning, spinning, radiating our light out as far as it can go…radiating brighter and brighter.

Now you become the light of the earth, enhance, radiating with the light at the higher realms…this light now begins to spread down into the earth, covering all of the Hawaiian islands, spreading out into the ocean, moving over the continents of all the earth, to spread, cover the earth, and seep into the earth…moving through the earth, and bringing with it the karma of all of those who have gone before

Especially, as you move into the Hawaiian islands, bringing in your energy of the Alii and of the Hawaiian people….bringing all to the base of the Mauna Kea, bringing it up now, through the fire, through the stone, through the energy of the earth, and as it reaches the pinnacle, you can channel this energy through your soul, bringing it through the light, as it transforms within the light of your soul, and As IT moves forward, out through the top of the  mountain, it is chastised, it is cleared, cleansed, transmuted…and it merges with your soul light and then you continue the process of cleansing, moving the light out throughout the islands once again into the sea, through the land, to the earth, moving into the earth, bringing for the cleaning energies, up through the mountain once again, and continuing the journey.

You have the power to cleanse and clear through your soul energy, and you have given permission for this before you entered into physicality.  You can utilize this field of knowledge, whenever you choose, whenever you feel that you have no purpose, or that you are doing nothing for the planet, or for others upon the planet, whenever you feel unworthy, you can utilize this process, and understand and know that this is why you have come here, and the ancestors thank you for this service.

Now, I will address your question about relationship.  For you it has been 

End of tape……

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